The Mad Max Wiki

The Bartertown security force is a group of people that protect Bartertown. Their leader is Ironbar.


They are characterised by their dark plastic combat-armour and their Punk-styled feathered headdresses. They are made up of both men and women, and brandish weapons such as spiked batons, whips, chainsaws and even Japanese Nunchaku.

Unlike the Humungus marauders or the Toecutter's gang, the Bartertown Security Force are noted to have a standardized uniform, showing some form of return to civilization and Entity's willingness to restructure their city. Their organization is still a bit chaotic but they still seem disciplined, unlike Wez in Mad Max 2, for example.


The Bartertown security force reside in the Bartertown area, although it remains unclear if they regularly patrol the Bartertown railroad tracks or if when they did it in the movie that was the only time meaning that it might not part of there jurisdiction. They occupy Bartertown, a territory that is found deep in the outback of Australia.


